What is ‘Cofiwch Dryweryn’?
What is ‘Cofiwch Dryweryn’?

July 23, 2024

The memorial features the words "Cofiwch Dryweryn" which translates to "Remember Tryweryn" in English, urging people to remember the injustice done to the Welsh community.

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Top 9 Interesting Facts About The Welsh Flag
Top 9 Interesting Facts About The Welsh Flag

July 21, 2024

The Welsh flag, known officially as "Y Ddraig Goch" (The Red Dragon), is rich in history, symbolism, and unique attributes that make it both fascinating and significant. 

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Elan Valley: Magic Dams Land
Elan Valley: Magic Dams Land

December 30, 2023

Elan Valley is a magical place nestled in the heart of the Cambrian Mountains of Mid Wales.

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